The Alley: a third place for subaltern creative collaboration.

Welcome to Carytown's only outdoor music venue, The Alley. The Alley is a free-zone for transformative experiences and a third space for those seeking meaningful connections. Here, we showcase the incredible diversity of Richmond's local musical talent, covering a wide variety of genres, backgrounds, and sounds.

The Alley was conceived as a community space, honoring the creative spirit of Richmond’s vibrant music community by offering a platform where artists can share their unique voices and stories.

In the midst of the cosmos, our venue stands as a beacon for communal gathering. It is more than just a place to hear music; it is a sanctuary where individuals come together to celebrate, dance, and express themselves freely. Our mission-driven approach challenges the traditional norms of what a music venue should be—inviting you to not just observe but to participate in the living, breathing art form that is music.

We believe in the open sharing of music, culture, and fun.

Our venue serves as a meeting ground for like-minded individuals looking to connect over shared passions and experiences. Whether you're a seasoned concert-goer or a curious newcomer, our space welcomes you to find your tribe and create lasting memories.Join us in this immersive experience where the lines between performer and audience blur, and the collective energy fuels the artistic journey. Come, be part of our community, and let the music transform you.

Discover more about our upcoming events and how you can be part of this unique musical ecosystem here.

Witness The Alley!